It's been a quite long period i've not updating my blog.. Last weekend, I went to Rehlah Wida' under TSM.
TSM means Tarbiyyah Sampai Mati (Tarbiyyah till dead) or Taylor's Sunway Monash.
The purpose of Rehlah Wida' is to strengthen the ukhuwah (bond) between Muslim's brother's from these 3 universities and maybe the last time we're together before some seniors are going to pursue their studies overseas. Wida' means good bye. So, this rehlah means to say farewell to the seniors.
But, I'm not going to talk about rehlah in this entry. I'm going to share with the readers about a story that I've learnt during the rehlah.
On the first day, each group were given a Quranic verse and based on the verse, we must present something to show the meaning of the verse during the cultural night.
So, one of my group members came out with an idea about acting the scenes based on the story from Surah Al Buruuj, 85:4...
It's been a quite long period i've not updating my blog.. Last weekend, I went to Rehlah Wida' under TSM.
TSM means Tarbiyyah Sampai Mati (Tarbiyyah till dead) or Taylor's Sunway Monash.
The purpose of Rehlah Wida' is to strengthen the ukhuwah (bond) between Muslim's brother's from these 3 universities and maybe the last time we're together before some seniors are going to pursue their studies overseas. Wida' means good bye. So, this rehlah means to say farewell to the seniors.
But, I'm not going to talk about rehlah in this entry. I'm going to share with the readers about a story that I've learnt during the rehlah.
On the first day, each group were given a Quranic verse and based on the verse, we must present something to show the meaning of the verse during the cultural night.
We were given this ayat. Surah Muhammad, 47:7
O you who have believed, if you support Allah , He will support you and plant firmly your feet.
So, one of my group members came out with an idea about acting the scenes based on the story from Surah Al Buruuj, 85:4...
Cursed were the companions of the trench
So the story begins..........
Imam Ahmad recorded from Suhayb that the Messenger of Allah said:
Among the people who came before you, there was a king who had a sorcerer, and when that sorcerer became old, he said to the king, "I have become old and my time is nearly over, so please send me a boy whom I can teach magic.'' So, he sent him a boy and the sorcerer taught him magic. Whenever the boy went to the sorcerer, he sat with a monk who was on the way and listened to his speech and admired them. So, when he went to the sorcerer, he passed by the monk and sat there with him; and on visiting the sorcerer the latter would thrash him. So, the boy complained about this to the monk. The monk said to him, "Whenever you are afraid of the sorcerer, say to him: `My people kept me busy.' And whenever you are afraid of your people, say to them: `The sorcerer kept me busy.''' So the boy carried on like that (for some time). Then a huge terrible creature appeared on the road and the people were unable to pass by. The boy said, "Today I shall know whether the sorcerer is better or the monk is better.'' So, he took a stone and said, "O Allah! If the deeds and actions of the monk are liked by You better than those of the sorcerer, then kill this creature so that the people can cross (the road).'' Then he struck it with a stone killing it and the people passed by on the road.
The boy came to the monk and informed him about it. The monk said to him, "O my son! Today you are better than I, and you have achieved what I see! You will be put to trial. And in case you are put to trial, do not inform (them) about me.''The boy used to treat the people suffering from congenital blindness, leprosy, and other diseases. There was a courtier of the king who had become blind and he heard about the boy. He came and brought a number of gifts for the boy and said, "All these gifts are for you on the condition that you cure me.'' The boy said, "I do not cure anybody; it is only Allah who cures people. So, if you believe in Allah and supplicate to Him, He will cure you.'' So, he believed in and supplicated to Allah, and Allah cured him.
Later, the courtier came to the king and sat at the place where he used to sit before. The king said, "Who gave you back your sight''The courtier replied, "My Lord.'' The king then said, "I did'' The courtier said, "No, my Lord and your Lord - Allah'' The king said, "Do you have another Lord beside me'' The courtier said, "Yes, your Lord and my Lord is Allah.'' The king tortured him and did not stop until he told him about the boy. So, the boy was brought to the king and he said to him, "O boy! Has your magic reached to the extent that you cure congenital blindness, leprosy and other diseases''He said, " I do not cure anyone. Only Allah can cure.'' The king said, "Me'' The boy replied, "No.'' The king asked, "Do you have another Lord besides me''The boy answered, " My Lord and your Lord is Allah.'' So, he tortured him also until he told about the monk. Then the monk was brought to him and the king said to him, "Abandon your religion.'' The monk refused and so the king ordered a saw to be brought which was placed in the middle of his head and he fell, sawn in two. Then it was said to the man who used to be blind, "Abandon your religion.'' He refused to do so, and so a saw was brought and placed in the middle of his head and he fell, sawn in two. Then the boy was brought and it was said to him, "Abandon your religion.'' He refused and so the king sent him to the top of such and such mountain with some people. He told the people, "Ascend up the mountain with him till you reach its peak, then see if he abandons his religion; otherwise throw him from the top.'' They took him and when they ascended to the top, he said, " O Allah! Save me from them by any means that You wish.'' So, the mountain shook and they all fell down and the boy came back walking to the king. The king said, " What did your companions (the people I sent with you) do'' The boy said, "Allah saved me from them.'' So, the king ordered some people to take the boy on a boat to the middle of the sea, saying, "If he renounces his religion (well and good), but if he refuses, drown him.'' So, they took him out to sea and he said, "O Allah! Save me from them by any means that you wish.'' So they were all drowned in the sea.
Then the boy returned to the king and the king said, "What did your companions do'' The boy replied, "Allah, saved me from them.'' Then he said to the king, "You will not be able to kill me until you do as I order you. And if you do as I order you, you will be able to kill me.'' The king asked, "And what is that'' The boy said, "Gather the people in one elevated place and tie me to the trunk of a tree; then take an arrow from my quiver and say: `In the Name of Allah, the Lord of the boy.' If you do this, you will be able to kill me.'' So he did this, and placing an arrow in the bow, he shot it, saying, "In the Name of Allah, the Lord of the boy.'' The arrow hit the boy in the temple, and the boy placed his hand over the arrow wound and died. The people proclaimed, "We believe in the Lord of the boy!'’ Then it was said to the king, "Do you see what has happened That which you feared has taken place. By Allah, all the people have believed (in the Lord of the boy).''So he ordered that ditches be dug at the entrances to the roads and it was done, and fires were kindled in them. Then the king said, "Whoever abandons his religion, let him go, and whoever does not, throw him into the fire.'' They were struggling and scuffling in the fire, until a woman and her baby whom she was breast feeding came and it was as if she was being somewhat hesitant of falling into the fire, so her baby said to her,"Be patient mother! For verily, you are following the truth!''
Malay Translation of The Story.....
Dari Suhaib bahawa Rasulullah saw. pernah bercerita:
Di zaman sebelum kamu dahulu ada seorang raja yang mempunyai seorang tukang sihir. Bila tukang sihir tersebut merasa dirinya telah tua, dia berkata kepada raja tersebut, “Aku telah tua. Carilah seorang budak (yang paling cerdik)*[1] yang boleh aku ajarkan kepadanya sihirku”. Lalu dicari seorang budak dan tukang sihir tersebut mengajarkan kepadanya ilmu sihirnya.
Di pertengahan jalan menuju ke tempat belajarnya, terdapat seorang rahib. Budak tersebut telah duduk sebentar mendengar ajaran rahib tersebut dan merasa seronok dengannya. Selepas kali tersebut, setiap kali melalui tempat rahib, budak tersebut akan berhenti dan mendengar ajarannya. Akhirnya bila tiba kepada tukang sihir, ia dipukul (kerana terlambat). Lalu ia mengadu kepada rahib. Rahib berkata kepadanya:
“Jika kamu takutkan tukang sihir, katakan kepadanya bahawa ibu bapaku menahanku (di rumah), jika kamu takutkan ibu bapamu (kerana lewat pulang), katakan kepada mereka berdua bahawa tukang sihir telah menahanku.”
Waktu berlalu dan pada suatu hari budak tersebut telah bertemu dengan seekor binatang besar (singa)* yang menghalang laluan orang ramai. Budak tersebut berkata di dalam hatinya, “Pada hari ini aku akan tahu siapakah yang lebih hebat, tukang sihir atau rahib”. Lalu diambilnya seketul batu dan dibaca: “Ya Tuhan, jika sekiranya rahib lebih engkau cintai dari tukang sihir, maka bunuhlah binatang ini dan berilah laluan kepada orang lain.”
Lalu dilontar batu tersebut dan binatang tersebut pun mati. (Orang ramai sangat kagum dengan budak tersebut dan mengatakan dia mempunyai ilmu yang kita semua tidak mengetahuinya)*.
Perkara tersebut diceritakan kepada rahib. Rahib berkata padanya; Engkau pada hari ini telah menjadi lebih hebat dariku. Engkau telah sampai ke peringkat yang aku dapat lihat sekarang. Tapi ingat, Engkau nanti akan diuji. Apabila engkau diuji oleh Allah, maka jangan sekali-kali engkau memberitahu tentangku.
Budak tersebut berjaya mengubat penyakit kusta dan sopak. Dia juga dapat mengubat semua penyakit yang dihidapi oleh orang ramai. Suatu ketika seorang yang dekat dengan raja telah terkena satu penyakit sehingga buta matanya. Apabila mendengar tentang kehebatan budak tersebut dia telah membawa hadiah yang banyak. Dia berkata kepada budak tersebut; semua ini untukmu jika engkau dapat menyembuhkan mataku.
Budak berkata kepadanya:
“Aku tidak mampu menyembuhkan sesiapa. Hanya Allah yang dapat menyembuhkan. Jika engkau beriman dan percaya kepada Allah, aku akan berdoa dan Allah akan menyembuhkan penyakitmu.
Lalu si pembesar buta tersebut percaya dan beriman kepada Allah. Budak tersebut mendoakan untuknya dan matanya pun sembuh seperti sediakala.
Pembesar tersebut datang seperti biasa kepada raja. Raja terkejut dan bertanya kepadanya; Siapa yang mengembalikan penglihatanmu? Kata pembesar tersebut: Tuhanku. Raja sangat marah dan mengatakan: Ada ke tuhan lain selain dariku?? Lalu pembesar tersebut ditangkap dan disiksa hingga dia pun membongkarkan ajaran budak tersebut. Budak tersebut dibawa kepada raja lalu raja bertanya: “Aku telah mengetahui kehebatanmu, sekarang kamu dapat menyembuhkan penyakit itu dan ini dan dapat melakukan itu dan ini”.
Lalu budak itu menjawab, “Aku tidak dapat menyembuhkan sesiapa. Hanya yang dapat menyembuhkan ialah Allah. Lalu ia pun ditangkap dan terus di siksa sehinggalah ia pun membongkarkan rahsia rahib (kerana tidak tahan dengan siksaan).
Lalu rahib pun ditangkap. Ia diarahkan supaya meninggalkan agamanya tetapi rahib menolak. Lalu dibawa gergaji dan diletakkan di atas kepalanya dan digergaji, tubuhnya terbelah dua dan keduanya melerai jatuh ke bumi.
Budak tersebut lalu dibawa lagi kepada raja. Raja berkata, “Balik semula kepada agama asalmu”. Budak menolak lalu raja memanggil sebahagian dari kumpulannya dan dikatakan kepada mereka: Bawa budak ini ke bukit sekian-sekian dan jika sekiranya ia tetap enggan, campakkan dan atas bukit tersebut. Lalu mereka membawanya ke atas bukit. Tiba di sana, budak berdoa kepada Allah:
Ya Allah, tolonglah aku dengan cara yang engkau kehendaki.
Tiba-tiba bukit bergegar dan jatuh kesemua orang-orang raja tersebut. Budak balik berjalan kepada raja. Raja bertanya; Mana dia kawan-kawanku? jawab budak: Allah telah menolongku menghadapi mereka. Lalu raja memanggil sebahagian lagi kumpulannya dan berkata: Bawa budak ini ke tengah laut. Jika ia enggan, campakkan dia ke dalam laut.
Bila tiba di tengah laut, budak tersebut berdoa dengan doa yang sama. Tiba-tiba perahu tenggelam dan semua kumpulan raja mati lemas. Budak balik semula kepada raja. Raja terkejut dan bertanya: Mana kawan-kawanku? Jawab budak: Allah telah menolongku menghadapi mereka.
Lalu budak tersebut berkata kepada raja: Kamu tidak mungkin akan dapat membunuhku sehinggalah kamu menurut apa yang aku minta. Tanya raja: Apa dia? Kata budak: Engkau kumpulkan semua orang ramai di satu padang, kamu ikatkan aku di pohon kurma. Kemudian engkau ambil satu dan panahku dan letakkan panah tersebut pada busurnya. Kemudian engkau baca: Dengan nama Allah, tuhan budak ini. Kemudian engkau panahlah aku. Kalau engkau melakukan begitu, kamu akan dapat membunuhku.
Lalu raja pun mengumpulkan orang ramai di satu padang. Budak itupun diikat pada sebatang pohon kurma. Kemudian diambil satu panah dan diletakkan pada busurnya. Lalu raja membaca: Dengan nama Allah, tuhan budak ini dan terus dipanahnya. Panah tersebut mengenai dahinya. Perlahan-lahan budak meletakkan tangannya pada tempat panah tersebut dan terus meninggal dunia.
(Tiba-tiba orang ramai berkata: Budak ini mengetahui perkara yang kita tidak ketahui.)* “Kami percaya kepada tuhan budak ini”.
Raja menjadi kelam kabut dan dikatakan kepadanya, “Apakah tuanku tidak melihat apa yang tuanku takuti. Sesungguhnya, Demi Allah! Ia telah menimpa tuanku. Orang ramai telah semuanya beriman.”
Lalu raja menyuruh digali parit-parit di laluan-laluan orang ramai dan dinyalakan api di dalamnya. Sesiapa yang lalu akan diarahkan supaya kembali semula kepada agama asal. Jika tidak akan dicampakkan ke dalam parit tersebut.
Lalulah seorang wanita dengan seorang anak kecilnya (bayi). Wanita tersebut gementar takut dicampakkan ke dalam api tersebut. Tiba-tiba bayinya bercakap dan berkata kepada ibunya: Wahai ibu, sabarlah, engkau berada di atas kebenaran !
So, we can understand that a baby can speak to her mother by Allah's will. The mother who hesitate to jump into the fire was motivate by her baby to jump into the fire because she's following the truth.
Let us together take some lessons on this story...